CBD Shatter

CBD Shatter

CBD (cannabidiol) is taking the world by storm. Its concentrated terpenes and numerous benefits include the relief of chronic pain, inflammation, and anxiety. People increasingly consume CBD in the form of hemp flowers, oil, edibles, and isolate products, like CBD shatter.

A common CBD isolate, CBD shatter became quite popular among those who want to consume a high-quality CBD concentrate (that doesn’t have psychedelic effects).

What is CBD Shatter? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

CBD shatter is an isolate, which means that we bottle cannabidiol in its purest form. A CO2 extraction procedure separates the CBD from the hemp plant, isolating it from the plethora of other cannabis compounds. What’s left is a pure CBD product, rich in terpenes.

Isolates typically come in wax or powder form. When making CBD concentrates, secure extract labs keep it away from heat and light. Only this environment enables your shatter to bloom, developing it into a yellow, shiny, crystalized isolate almost identical to CBD wax.

CBD Shatter vs. CBD Wax

CBD shatter and wax are both produced via a similar extraction method. There is almost no difference in consistency and derived terpenes, so it is up to you to choose a preferred product.

The two substances sport different features when you analyze shatter vs. wax:

  • Shatter is more difficult to make and lasts longer due to its chemical structure.
  • Wax has a broader surface area, so it degrades faster.

The main difference is the temperature under which each substance forms, and the finishing touches.

CBD is not the only cannabinoid made into a brittle shatter product—tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) shatter is also well-known on the cannabis market. Compared to CBD, the THC version has psychoactive effects, and you can consume it through edibles, vaping, or smoking.

CBD comes from a different part of the cannabis plant and has different terpenes in its isolated form. It doesn’t contain THC, and it won’t “get you high.” If your body can’t tolerate psychoactive cannabinoids, CBD shatter might be the perfect cannabis product to ensure you benefit from anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory features.

What Are the Effects of CBD Products?

CBD concentrates such as wax concentrates, shatter, or budder contain a higher level of cannabidiol. It makes these concentrates stronger than any hemp plant or hemp extract. How does a CBD concentrate measure up to hemp flower, edibles, or CBD oil products? You may be surprised to learn of its many benefits and effects.

Reduces Nervousness

You can use CBD to help with anxiety, especially during stressful moments or events.

Relieves Muscle Pain

CBD shatter can soothe the stiffness or other effects after a long workout.

Improves Mental Clarity

You can expect a serene but lucid feeling when consuming CBD shatter. If you use these types of CBD concentrates daily, expect to feel more relaxed and productive.

Ensures Value for Money

CBD concentrates are good value for terpene content per dosage. Concentrates give you plenty of cannabinoids in compact form compared to other hemp products.

How to Use CBD Shatter

While there are many options for shatter, the most common method is “dabbing.” The process requires a heating element similar to a bong, called a dab rig.

What is a Dab Rig?

The dab rig is designed to heat CBD isolates, including CBD wax, oil, and shatter. It applies the cannabidiol to a hot surface and results in a vapor that you inhale. You can also use dabbing torches and nails to help you vaporize CBD concentrates for inhalation, and the product you chose to dab is up to you.

Some people prefer typical bong-like devices or a water pipe or vape pen. Before you shop for your dabbing CBD device or inhalation product, be sure to research which method suits your lifestyle, preferences, and knowledge level.

Can CBD Dabs Get You High?

CBD dabs contain little to no THC. You won’t experience the classic “high,” but you may experience muscle and mind relaxation.

Even at low doses, CBD products can facilitate pain relief, reduce anxiety, boost your mood, and promote restful sleep. If you consume CBD concentrates in a higher dosage, it provides similar benefits to the Entourage Effect within full-spectrum products.

When consuming CBD in any quantity, but especially dabs, start with a low dosage. Slowly increase it over the hours indicated until you experience the desired feeling or effect.

What Does a CBD Dab Feel Like?

If you’ve tried other CBD goods like hemp oil or edibles, dabs are similar. It’s more intense due to the concentrated potency.

If you’ve experienced pain relief from hemp products and CBD oils, dabbing might cause similar effects. It also has numerous therapeutic benefits, from decreasing blood sugar to slowing neurodegenerative diseases.

Are There More Ways to Consume CBD Concentrates?

If dabbing a CBD concentrate sounds complicated to you, there are other ways to consume the isolate. You can combine shatter with drinks or foods—don’t hesitate to experiment. Why not add CBD shatter to your morning smoothie, avocado toast, or spaghetti sauce?

Is CBD Shatter Legal?

According to the FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration), CBD shatter is legal in some states because it is THC-free. You can buy shatter (CBD) with confidence—the products are safe and legal.

CBD cannabis products help many people consume the amount they need to relieve anxiety and pain without the side effects of THC. If you have severe pain or inflammation, try shatter in a more concentrated form for quicker relief.

Shatter for Sale: The Best CBD Goods

If you like the sound of CBD products, a reputable source like ours is essential to your safety. Whether you are shopping in-person or online, buy only from a licensed dispensary. Choose organic products for the best experience.


CBD Oil Online is an excellent place to start your search. Place products in the cart with confidence, and enjoy the impressive level of terpenes you’ll receive at a great price. Our company is proud of the amount of premium concentrates we offer, working only with the best extract labs for high-quality cannabis strains and hemp flower.

Our shatter product orders come in a variety of sizes and flavors.

(Please note that our products are not intended to treat or prevent any disease in isolation).

Visit our online shop and explore our products or place your orders. We look forward to walking you through our top-selling concentrates.